Future of Isekai Reboot

Future of Isekai Reboot:

I've been working daily (as much as I have time for) on the next update for Isekai Reboot. I've also spent considerable time working on the direction for the game to take. I want to share some of the work that is going into the next update and future plans for the game.

Next Update:

As the last update focused on a new area, I have created an accompanying hero. The idea for progression goes like this

- Unlock new area/feature and a use for that feature (For example new resource: Fruit, Usage: Upgrade heroes)

- Player manually manages the area until they meet the requirements to unlock the area's 'Hero'

- Hero removes need for manual action in the area (making it idle/passive) with the option for the player to continue doing manual work for additional resources.

With this, it ensures each area gives a new aspect to the game, the player gets to learn the feature and then after putting in some work, they get to make it idle so that they can focus on the next area of the game.

Along with the new hero, you will also be able to unlock the next area which will be the basis for the continuation of the game. The area is a village which you will sell excess fruits for coins. And with the coins you can begin to repair the village. Village repairs will lead to owning the village and establishing a HQ. The village will then be able to grow and expand as the game progresses. The hero of this village will be the merchant which can automate selling of resources for coins which will be a vital resource for the continuation of the game and the lead up to battle with the dreaded Demon Lord!

Future Updates:

I am working toward an end game system with the Demon Lord, a battle to defeat them. However you may not be able to accomplish it alone, at least not at first. There will be a rework to how much damage you can do to them.

- Your Life Essence will contribute your own damage

- Heroes unlocked will each do a damage multiplier for you

- Army - A new feature coming in a later update will allow you to begin raising your own army to fight for you. (Along with pre-fight uses).

- Defenses and preparation - In later updates there will be options to build fortifications and make preparations for the Demon Lords attack. You will be able to bolster your damage through these mechanics.

- Beyond the Demon Lord - Yes, it will be possible to defeat them, so then what? Well that ends the base game, but that doesn't mean the end of the entire game. How about working your way to to beating the Demon King?

Continuing Updates

There are many elements in the game that will be constantly improved upon. Let's go over some of these:

Dialogue - I plan to improve and expand upon each heroes dialogue. Including story, quests, and romance with them. This will be a system that grows and evolves with the game.

Balancing - As the game progresses, I will constantly be reviewing balancing and pace of the game. These changes will likely happen during and between big updates.

Visuals and Layout - Right now the game is still a prototype. I'm working alone as of now and so the layout and visuals are not as good as I would like them to be. I will be working on updating this as/when I am able to make the game more enjoyable to look at

QoL - I will be focusing on QoL updates as much as possible. From fast travel as the world grows, hotkeys to help speed things up, reducing clicking by adding in auto-click functionality, adding in additional menus to track progress and so on. I want to make the game as simple to play as possible allowing you to be very active or very idle depending on how you like to play.


It is beginning to get to the point that the game is growing and I have limited faith in the capabilities of the browser version. There are constantly bugs appearing in the browser version that do not appear when I export to desktop. To that end I will be deprecating the browser version in favor of a desktop version. With this in mind, I would also like to place the game on Steam so that updates are automatically available for everyone.

Steam does require a $100 fee however and since I am an indie developer barely able to make ends meet, I don't just have that lay around. So if you would like to see the game on Steam, please consider donating to make it happen. You can support the game in two ways.

Buy me a Coffee - or - Patreon

BMAC - This is a good way to make a one-time donation to help with the steam fund

Patreon - This is a membership that will help support me throughout the development.

The game right now is free, however at a certain point I will be changing it to a paid game. Therefore anyone who supports (even just $1) during this pre-steam listing, will be given a steam key upon paid release as a thank you for supporting and helping me get the game listed!

Patreons will also get early access to builds, will be able to comment on new features and get access to more development details!

Thank you to everyone who has already shown support for this game. I love to hear that you are enjoying it and as excited as I am to see the game progress.

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